Smile Club
For patients without traditional dental insurance, our Smile Club provides an affordable way to get the care you need.
Here’s how it works.
For a set fee, you can purchase a club membership that will cover all of your preventative care (cleanings, exams, x-rays, fluoride, etc.) and give you a significant discount on any additional dental work that you have done in our office. Your membership fees may be paid either in one lump sum yearly (at a significant savings) or monthly by automatic payment on either a credit card or bank account. There are NO waiting periods, NO deductibles, NO pre-authorizations, exclusions or limits on what you can use your plan for. If we do it in our office, it’s covered by the membership. Right now, we are offering two types of memberships:
Our Regular Club Membership gives members the following (per year):
- 2 Cleanings
- 2 Comprehensive Exams
- 2 Oral Cancer Screenings
- 2 Periodontal Screenings
- 1 Fluoride Treatment
- 1 Free Emergency Exam
- Unlimited X-rays (as needed)
- Free Consultations
- A 15% Discount on All Additional Dental Work
The Regular Club Adult (ages 14+) Membership is $299 if paid yearly, or $28/monthly.
The membership for a child (ages 0-13) is $275 yearly or $25/monthly.
For our patients that need extra visits throughout the year due to a history of periodontal or other issues, we are offering a Periodontal Club Plan that includes the following (per year):
- 4 Cleanings
- 4 Comprehensive Exams
- 4 Oral Cancer Screenings
- 2 Periodontal Screenings
- 2 Fluoride Treatments
- 1 Free Emergency Exam
- Unlimited X-rays (as needed)
- Free Consultations
- A 15% Discount on All Additional Dental Work
The Perio Club Membership is $549/year or $51/month
ALL of our memberships cost less and give a greater discount than simply paying out of pocket as you come in throughout the year. To view plans, terms and conditions and to sign up, visit the link below.
Here are some important things to keep in mind – our Club Membership is not dental insurance. It covers a wide range of services that we offer in-house, but any conditions or needs that require the services of a specialist outside of our office will not be covered. Also, existing regulations currently make it too complicated to combine a Club Membership like ours with dental insurance, so if you have traditional dental insurance, you won’t be eligible. If you’re comparing our membership to a dental insurance plan you are being offered, or have questions regarding your individual situation, let us know. We are always happy to help!